Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Back home :)

I'm here and I'm alive :) And feeling quite good. But hopelessly bored. The surgery went well and was pain-free. It was done by anesthetizing my left arm completely and heavily sedating me. And that combined with me being extremely nervous about the whole thing didn't make a good match. It was one of the (if not THE) strangest experiences in my life. But it's done now.
It doesn't hurt much unless Itry to do something. They gave me quite strong painkillers but I haven't had to take them that much. But like I predicted I can't knit, stitch or write on the computer (prperly that is, I'm doing this with my right hand). But I also can't read books for long stretches at a time either (I can only hold them up or keep them open with my right hand). And I can't go out for walks.. The weather has turned quite cold now (-15C) and I can't put on anything that would be warm enough! My left wrist, besides being unbendable is, about five times as large as it normally is (with the bandage) so it won't go through the sleeves of my regular clothes. So far I've been able to dress myself in pajamas and DH's huge cardigan with a zipper in front (and that was difficult enough). Comfortable definitely, but not very fashionable and definitely not something to wear for a walk. Anyway, enough about that. I'll survive :)

Here are pictures of the Embossed Leaves Socks. The first one is a bit blurry but shows the patterning a bit better than the one I took with a flash. The second one shows me wearing one. The color is also truer in the second one, although the yarn isn't shiny eventhough it might look like it. These were a lot of fun to knit and I found the instructions to be very well written. This is only the second pair of socks I've ever done and I was about 10 when I made the first pair, so it's been a while!


Blogger Terhi said...

Sukista tuli aivan ihanat! Täytyykin kokeilla tuota lankaa, näyttää kivalta. Pikaista toipumista!

12:01 PM  
Blogger molly said...

Beautiful socks! I've been wanting to make some plain white ones, so I might look into that pattern...

3:54 PM  
Blogger vanessa said...

oooh, hope your wrist feels better soon :-) love the socks! and i also love the handknit holidays book, don't know when i've seen another book with so many things i'd like to knit!

4:15 PM  

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