Monday, April 16, 2007


The snow melted over a month ago. It's been warm, then cooler again, and now it's really warm (for spring that is), close to 20C. It hasn't rained a drop in all that time, so nature is still pretty much sleeping, but the sun has lured out some signs of life and spring.

These flowers are blooming in great quantities all over the forest. The ground is still pretty much covered in leaves from last fall and these are like little jewels scattered on the brown and grey ground.

And some trees are unfurling their leaves! I hope it will rain soon. I think the landscape will turn green in no time after that.

And here's a WIP pic of the ripple blanket. It's 44 inches (111 cm) wide and at the moment 10 inches (25 cm) long.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blanket's looking great! The colours are just lovely!

8:25 PM  
Blogger The Silver Thistle said...

We've got 100's of tiny blue flowers over our garden too! I don't think they're the same sort (I'm not a gardener, can you tell? lol) but they brighten everything up and makes it all seem 'Spring-ey' lol

4:38 PM  
Blogger Christine S said...

I love the afghan!! The flowers are beautiful, too. As I type, we're getting our first rainfall of the spring so I hope that means things will get green soon.

6:31 AM  

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