Sunday, December 09, 2007


It's that time of year again when blogging becomes very difficult, because nearly everything I do is meant to be a secret from someone. I am keeping myself busy by knitting and sewing and stitching and decorating and baking and relaxing. It was Finland's Independence Day on Thursday and DH was home from work on Friday as well, so I've also tried to have a bit of a holiday. We watched some movies and I've read books and magazines. We had friends over on Thursday and we played some board games with them. That's always fun.

Here's something I can show you, since these are just for me. I made these small patchworks starts after seeing a photo of similar ones in the latest Marie Claire Idées. The photos are awful, but the days are so lightless here now that I can't help it. Should have taken one by a window before I hung them up..

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Blogger CJ in OK ;-) said...

The Poinsettia is beautiful and I love the little stars. Happy Stitching

6:57 PM  
Blogger Lennu said...

Hauskoja tähtiä! Kiva täällä blogissasi aina nähdä näitä sisustusjuttuja ja -kuvia ja hyvä sentään että muillakin on kuvaamisongelmia tässä pimeydessä :)

8:31 AM  
Blogger Theresa said...

Those stars are fabulous. Lovely lovely. Can't wait to see the gifts after they are given!

7:09 AM  

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